Our Solution

Solving Critical Workforce Challenges for Health Systems. Staffing, scheduling, analytics, and reporting in one solution.

Our Solution

Central Staffing

Reduce Bonus and Overtime Spend Through Tech-Enabled Central Staffing

Vitalize Care removes guesswork from making staffing decisions before each shift. We analyze nursing resources, acuity, census, and costs to make data-driven decisions.

Our Solution

Respond proactively to callouts and census fluctuations through automated open shift management

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Real-time visibility to staffing gaps across the hospital

Reduce labor spend by prioritizing internal staff and dynamically pricing shifts

Unit-Level Scheduling

Save Nurse Managers Hours Daily through Automation + Predictive Scheduling

Vitalize Care unburdens nurse managers from hours of manual scheduling each day so they can focus on retaining nurses.

Our Solution

Simplify schedule creation through rule-based self scheduling and streamlined balancing

Eliminate the need of manual calling and texting through automated and cost-optimized open shift management

Enable unit leaders to manage staffing and productivity in real-time

Analytics and Reporting

Gain Real-Time Visibility into Productivity, Staffing, and Budget

Vitalize Care helps nurse leaders run their units like a business through real-time analytics and customizable reporting.

Our Solution

Real-time data to leaders on census, staffing gaps, productivity, vacancy rate, and premium labor spend (by unit)

Visibility into overtime hour usage by employee, department, and facility

Mobile-First Scheduling for Staff

Improve Nurse Retention Through Schedule Transparency and Flexibility

Vitalize Care maximizes nurse satisfaction through flexible and transparent scheduling, all from their phone.

Our Solution

Enable intuitive self-scheduling, shift swaps, and PTO approvals

Allow for partial shift management without operational nightmares for managers

Eliminate delays in open shift approvals and hours of unnecessary communication

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